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WhatsApp/Calling : 0568770106Emergency AC Water Leakage in Springs Dubai
Why does water flow from the air conditioner?
First, it is worth saying a few words about the design of the air conditioner, and then deal with all the issues that relate to the features of its work. In any air conditioner there is a part of the refrigeration circuit with temperatures significantly higher than the ambient temperature. Usually this hotter part is called a condenser or an external unit. It is always located outdoors and has direct contact with the outdoor air. The other part of the air conditioner is installed in the room where it is required to cool the air – this is the coldest place in the refrigeration circuit. It is called – the evaporator or indoor unit. These two blocks are connected by copper pipelines, electrical wires, this design is called a split system.
Another air conditioner design may be called a monobloc air conditioner. In this case, the outdoor and indoor units are placed in the same housing, but anyway, its condenser is directly outside the room and comes into contact with the outdoor air, and its other part is in the room. Most often it is inserted into the window, less often – into the wall.

Question: “Why is water flowing from the air conditioner?” more about the split system, so we will talk about it.

1. If after installing the air conditioner, after a while, water began to drip from the indoor unit.
- during installation, dirt, dust, pieces from construction work can get into the sump and then get into the drainage pipeline with the flow of water. As a result of this, partial or complete blocking of the flow of flowing water may occur.
- water may drip or leak not only from the area of the indoor unit, but also outside it. This situation can occur if the drainage pipeline has some kind of damage and water condensate is partially leaking in this place. A similar picture can be observed if the drainage pipeline has a joint or connections along its entire length. Condensation water may also leak in places of poor connections.
- in some cases, the drainage pipeline cannot be made so that the required slope is maintained along its entire path. In this case, it is planned to install a drainage pump (pump), which provides continuous or periodic pumping of condensate from the sump. In the event of a breakdown, condensate can also accumulate in the pipeline, and, finally, in the pan itself and drip out.
To check the correctness of the work carried out, the installers themselves must check the condensate drain after installation. To do this, water is specially poured into the drainage pan and it is checked how it drains and whether there are leaks in any places.

If the water does not flow out of the pan immediately, but with a delay, or flows from the drainage pipeline in portions, then perhaps a mistake was made during the laying of the pipeline and there is a “failure” somewhere along the length of the route. This process will be repeated at some intervals